Around the world in 8 months- well, thats the plan!

Monday, March 12, 2007

We are Sailing, We are Sailing....(well sort of)

Just arrived back in Airlie after 3 days on the open sea. Was absolutely amazing, we had pretty much perfect weather so could see all the different colours of the sea, loads of stuff under the sea, a great view of the stars and some perfect beaches.

Our boat was the 'Derwent Hunter' - the last Australian sailing ship built for commercial reasons ( ). Was absolutely boiling below deck so i slept above both nights. I also got the chance to try my hand at putting the sails up, cricket on the beach and a fair bit of snorkelling. Could easily have stayed out for a couple more days on board and its definetely given me a taste for it (will have to investigate the possibilty of some boating of the canal back in leeds!).

Next stop Fraser Island, home of the killer Dingoes - hope i make it out safe!


Blogger Charlie said...

See if we can drum up interest in a Norfolk Broads trip when you get back. Show you can show off your maritime skills

4:49 am, March 22, 2007


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